Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Nice song

Let wanqi to introduce new song to you. YEAH

1. 棒棒堂二军;宅男塾 - 冒险世界

(公主帮 also not bad, but i prefer 宅男塾)

2. 劉力揚 and Tank - 我就是這樣

3. Super Junior H - Cooking? Cooking! (This Song is Cute)

4. Elva - 冲动

5。Elva- More More More

6. Hey!Say!JUMP - DREAMS COME TRUE (see how high pitch that guy can go)

7. 林宥嘉 - 病态

8.林宥嘉 - 神秘嘉賓

9. 林宥嘉 - 伯樂

10. 刘力扬 & 林宥嘉 - 传说

11. 蕭敬騰-收藏

12. 蕭敬騰-原諒我

12.棒棒堂 - 那一天

that for it. see u next time


Sooooo annyoning sia

A.S work haven't do finish yet
english homwork so many
chinese compo
CO stuff

everythign everything not done

not a single thing is done, even sliming down

don't know what to do now, feel so lost
do this also not rite, do that also wrong.
lets take CO as example, if people can do thing as their wish, what is the need of chairman/ president? i ask u. don't even need me lor

then what A.S, do for so long still nothing. forget about it

now wat english suddenly got like one whole big chunk of work to do.

so ya, i wanted to slim down but ended up adding more.

Why can't something go right???????????????????????????
why do people always think that wanqi is happy as she is smiling. NVMNVMVNVMVNVMVNVMVNVMVNVMVNVMVNVM

let talk about something happy la, OH YA
Today also got lots of fun things.
morning, i waited for 20min for my dear Sangeetha. lutfi and khairyll to eat breakfast at TM mac. WOW
then i am suppose to reach school at 8.30 am for meeting, end up finishing food at 8.10am, then the buse come at 8.24am. do you think i can reach school within 6 min, NO!!!

Oh ya, during the 20 min, got an accident happened, one of the car bank into a truck and both driver fought, god damp thing, i saw the whole process. fun lei

then later during PE, it wasn't having Lighting alart so we have pe, after warm up and one round around the school, it start to drissle, teacher did not stop us so we continue to play, some boys took off their shoes to play basketball as they don't want their schoes to get wet.
so you know, this is when you see guys being "man".

after Pe, reach class, now then you know how stinky they are, took off shoes and sock to dry them up.WOW

so it goes by till i get home, i took bus 358 from inter, then two upper sec guys were promising to each other that they won't speak anything dirty for two days, one time for a dollor, do you think thay can make it????????

hai ya ya, kust let everything goes by.
Bye Bye


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

fanistic day

Pai Sei, Last few day not free so never update.

let start from monday,
Finally i can go home damp early.(that means i can go home right after school end or lesson end.
and my math teacher went for soft ball compition so we don't have lesson,WOW
so i took it as a chance to go tm with my friends then go home.
so me yolanda and satff went to tm burger king, while eating, i went crazy and start to say stupid things, worst still, don't know how yolanda eat, can eat until the veg in the burger stuck on the head. then we went to NUTC of Fairprice to buy sushi.

i was so happy that i am going to make IC, so i cancel all work after school and it was "O-Level" listening that day too, so we end so at 1.30pm.
i waited for my dad to fetch me and wat, something funny happened that make don't know if i should laught or cry.
my mum say take 14 to temara mrt station, then while i was waiting for bus, she suddenly say go to the bus stop near your shool, so i cross the road again.
then went i heard the third phone call, i knew she wanted to call me to take 14 so i went over again, then fourth call, i cross the road again.
then i saw my friends, i wave at them, they did not see, just nice my senior was with me, so i said, i so big size thay still can't see me, then if it was you, die liao lor. (laugh)
then my dad car is coming, so i was laughing,
when i got up the car, my dad ask me if i am flitering with him, i gave him that face. (laugh again)
so when i reach ICA buliding, it took me 2 hours to be done with my IC and passport.
oh ya, i saw my mother's friend's son too, this remind me when i was young,
as u know i was chubby and cute when i was young, and he is only one day older then me.
when my mum brought me to his house warming, i was sitting there doing nothing, he suddenly came and gave me a kiss.WOW, that was only when i was like 1 or 2 years old, he too.
then the adult was like saying i so small know how to attract guys, then he so small become "qi go bei" u get it.LOL
NVM let don't talk about that

Wat about today!!!!
Nothing much, but all i can say today was fin, i don't know why too.

still not much people know this blog, so don't need to spread butter.

oh ya, if you got my msn, pls take a look at the picture!
the one on the right is me okay, YES it ME!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My BirthDay

Today 08/07/2008,
I declare that it is my 15 Years Old Growth.
OMG!!! I am older by one years now.
When i reach school, seem like nobody know antyhing,
then i told mr heng about it then he give mt two b'day bash, WOW!
then sangeetha was the first one to say happy birthday to me.
then mei ting ask if it was my b'day for comformation.
So my present from school is a presentation for lower sec for PGA(Peer Group Advisers)
then HAlf way, Qingle suddenly call me to share my reflection and make me stund with the mic with like the whole sec 1 and 2 inculding their teachers' (SO PAI SEI)
then michelle wish me .
during cca, wee sin sent sms to wish me.
so after that zoranne wish me.
then later CO pack up, i saw michelle and christine, Michelle said happy birthday so lound that almost everyone there can hear.
NVM still, then mrs ang walk in to give first half of debref, then zoranne say "its wanqi birthday today", so the whole CO sang birthday song for me.Wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So i waited for my dad to pick me up from school, and that the only time he will bring me home from school.
i saw ho han and etc.
i told ho han today my b'day, then he say it was also his grandfather birthday. end up tricking me. then sangeetha and ledia and hannan sang me a birthday song in the bus stop infront of Miss Lim, OMG Miss Lim lei, No joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then laterwe went swensent to eat the free ice-cream, then my mun sang the song again.
so we bought a cake ome, and there goes another song.
thanks for all the wishes, and i will remember in heart.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

sunday work

wa wa wa.
today sunday still must do work. wonderfull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went o Bedok Mac and Meet Up with my PGA mates
then i try conneting to the wireless and it did not work. WOW that great
so from 1 pm to like 2.30 pm, we have been waisting time.
worst still, we went to ask the manager, wat he say was " You have to wait for another half an hour" OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so we decided to go pasir ris mac and we reached there at 3 plus.
The conection is good there but i forgot my password. WOW, How great of me.
password settle, now wat, the file is wrongly sent by my mate. the for like half an hour there looking for the correct file.
so like 4.30 then start work.
ya right. half way, my laptop no bat, the person with the plug look so fierce and she is not using her bat.
so end up me and daniel when to ask the people there if they got adpater, he say no and just nice there is a empty plug so we booked the place. so end up finishing the work without any worries.
Wat a wonderful day with so many stages to break before work is done.


Friday, July 4, 2008

4 july

today during recess, damp funnty sia,
wan ting. aaron and daryl was like playing around using the roll of colour paper i bought.
first daryl hit wanting butt.
then wanting went to chase after him, did not hit daryl. end up aaron hit her butt.
then wanting was so angry that she went to chase after aaron but end up hittinf daryl butt.
after that aaron when to hit wan ting let until damp red and pain. she hit his leg back ??? Times.
NVM Lor.
later we went to quee for food. no body was serving my row. so i waited for 2 min.
aaron, daryl, homg ming, selva, yong sheng was behind me.
so we bought the food and sat down.
just cutting the chicken, the bell rang. oh shit
we did not care and went on eating but faster.
the food was freshly cook so it is like burning hot.
we finish the at last.
i ran up to class, grab my bag and run up to the lab for AS.
end up the lesson haven't start and i rush for nothing.
the barily people when to our lesson



Ya i agree that i am fat,
You can joke with me about my fatness like wat mr heng always do.
that wat friends are for!!!!!!!!!!!! isn't it.
but try not to say that i will never be able to do this or that.
as i want to be pretty like other girls, i buys clothes.
nice shirt always don't have my size.
not that i don't want to slim down
i tried, but nothing happened.
i am always positive in anyways, i will just think that fatness is what god made me as, so just follow.
i hated people who are like so skinny but say that they are fat.
pls look at me before saying that.



I was feeling quit down on wednesday during PE when i finish my 2.4 km Run.
Ledia fail her 2.4 km by 9sec and i pass.
When we are resting, she kerp asking teacher to reduce the timing to let her pass but my pe teacher did not.
After That she ask me "wanqi, did u pass?"
I replied yes.
then she was like "fine la, u this type also can pass" and she kept lokking at me.
if like saying that i am fat so i must fail 2.4.
although i am not seen to be fit, but i can be one.
why do people always say that fat people can not do things?

Note: Ledia, Don't be angry with me k?
I am Just writing my feeling
We r still friends rite??



Pula Ubin

Wedding Dinner

Here are photo i Took during My aunt Wedding Dinner,

My Clothes very sexy rite.

Don't voitmi.

Take a look...

Wedding Dinner,

Elective modules

Just look
i know i don't look nice

Chinese Orchestra

I am the Chairman Of CO. ALL THANKS TO GUOWEI who give up that Position to become vic-chairman.
Should i thanks Him or Should i Hate him. I Don't know.
when i know this, I was like under depression
as should i tell mr heng or should i not, as i was actually a ex-co of Class Manager and that was my dream, but he went to say no(if i am not Wrong).
Now a chairman of CO, Will he tell Mrs Ang to change one. I don't know.
but end up, he knew it. taht okay.
not the way i think he would be. but i was sad that he did not scold me for not telling him.
miss yeo just knew it today
Lets Pray that i will be in one peace after this year.

Wanqi :(


My result came out.
LIke shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ITE also can not go, Cause why i fail english and science.
I fail English, Combine Science and Combine Humanise(i don't know how to spell) for overall.
But then for Mid-year, I fall english, Math, sience and com Hum.
All thanks to my Physic, i fail Com Science.
Mr Kalamash Told my mum that i did not study everyday.
i tell my self not to bother.


Appiled subject
also 17 student
i am the treasure
wow that great,
mdm lai, our TP teacher
Mr Heng again
Miss Yeo, new Comer to our family, Now there is another teacher that is new to us, sry. i forgot her name.
if fail my first test where i study like shit.
i fail my second teat where i study half half.
I got no ideal why i fail when i know how to do the question.
But i Pass mY SA In TP. Not OKay la.

My classmate

3/8. My new class
Don't ever say that in chinese, Like my chinese tescher is scolding me, every time 三八的班长。 sound so weriod. nvm
there are only like 17 in my class. but mr kamlash was my teacher.
the first assembly we had
no aircon!!!!!!!!! Save money
me sara thought my class was late as it is not even half of 40 student.
so end up we got scolded for nothing. but half way through, we told him we only got 17 then he stop.

Project for ...

Came back from china,
went to school and do my project
i camp there for the whole holiday.
very unhappy
but got no choice
i never regret going to school for it as it was fun but i never do my homwork at all
and i lost all the contact with friends as i was not able to go out with them.
i broke up as no time for him
so ya.
very happy but sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!

China Exchange Programme

Now wat,
China Exchange programme.
It was fun
There is lots of things done there but i will not say more as i want to keep them to myself.
Too Bad.
All i can say that it is fun and u never think that china is a country like that.
My buddy and her friends was damp hyper.
I will not say more then that...
HaHaHa. But there is some sad things about that also.
If i ahve the time next time
I will Type out all the details to u guys, but will be missing parts as it was not to be known, so ya.

Me and My buddy Qi Chen

Next time okay?????????

Thursday, July 3, 2008

IT Lesson Part 2

Oh ya. Let me finish the IT leson first.
There is one period where i hated mr heng very very much!!!!!!!!!!!
As the class kerp saying thing about me.
that period of time was then the sec2 needed to hand up a mini project for It.
then my class only a few intersted. So Poor little me and to get scolding from him.
he was ont only loud but fierce. so this remind me of the first time i see him
and worst of all, i get scolded by my class too, for not telling them or wat for not telling mr heng that they don't want to do.
i almost went crazy that time.
u know
wanqi's most ... time.
so that period of time,
the person who just joke on me, he is dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So ya.
PGA is the one I like it too.
PGA that is the term for Peer Ground Adviser
i was the lucky 10 who was selected by the school to go for it.
when i tell Mr.Heng About.
He Laught til his lungs almost came out.
It like wat, he say that it is impossible for me to be one.
So sad, but i will show him that i can be one!!!!!!!!!!
(SEE THAT MR. HENG!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
But i don't think i can do it. WaWaWa

IT Lesson

Let See April....
Oh Ya..
IT!!!!!!!!!!! My Fav Subject.
There was a software Called Cinima 4d aka C4D
Have u heard of it?
i was quite obsses with it.
after then, miss wong ask my class if anyone wanted to join the compition for it and the theme was like "fight dengue'
so me and michelle took part as a group.
here comes Mr.Heng
My next Fav teacher last year, but FAv this year.
the first impression was he was damp fierce as ge shouted at me and michelle when we went to the lap and do work without knowing wat to do.
then the second time i saw him was during lesson time when i found out that he was our next it teacher.WoW
He told us lots of things or ... i don't know.on how to improve on our work.
and then we went for the compition with like don't know how many string group.
worst of all, me and michelle were the only N.A student there.
But in the end, we got the most creative storyboard.
At least we won something...

Wat Up

Wat Up next!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing much acutally..
but till march...
I was Damp Sui to be seected to be Operation Manager aka OM of Chinese Orchestra aka TMSCO.
The Worst Was like Yan En and Rina Was My senior!!!!!!!!!! OMG
You think its okay. let me tell u y it is not okay.
It Is Because THEY ARE ALL DIRTY MINDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I mean That okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My mind is always .... by them when we went to buys things for CO.


Okay!!!!!!!!!!!! Lets Go Back To time...

So Lets Say!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Begining Of Sec 2. I was selected as class manager. Then Wat!
Sangeetha Push Me like shit and i almost get depression, but lucky i didn't
My class full of 43 student.
Don't ever call me to name them out in reg. no
ya, then my fav. teacher was mdm.tan
i don't know why christine dislike her so much????
but i love her like...(i don't know)
then my life changes at that point of time.(WoW)


HaHa.... Its Too LAte

Yo people,
its to late but i will post up things from last year janruary to like july. but just think that i always update can, although its like one and a half year back. but never mind la hor....
open one eye and close one eye la.
thanks ar...
