Thursday, July 3, 2008

IT Lesson

Let See April....
Oh Ya..
IT!!!!!!!!!!! My Fav Subject.
There was a software Called Cinima 4d aka C4D
Have u heard of it?
i was quite obsses with it.
after then, miss wong ask my class if anyone wanted to join the compition for it and the theme was like "fight dengue'
so me and michelle took part as a group.
here comes Mr.Heng
My next Fav teacher last year, but FAv this year.
the first impression was he was damp fierce as ge shouted at me and michelle when we went to the lap and do work without knowing wat to do.
then the second time i saw him was during lesson time when i found out that he was our next it teacher.WoW
He told us lots of things or ... i don't know.on how to improve on our work.
and then we went for the compition with like don't know how many string group.
worst of all, me and michelle were the only N.A student there.
But in the end, we got the most creative storyboard.
At least we won something...

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